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Figure out a system of small rewards that you will give yourself after you get a certain amount finished. For example, if you have math, English, and history assignments. divide them into small chunks that you can do. After you finish each small chunk, give yourself 10 minutes to play a game or fool around or eat a favorite food. Keep at it until you are done. Any system of dividing your homework into smaller tasks will make it easier to face. You'll feel better and smarter when you are finished than if you had not done it.

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13y ago
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10y ago

When I dont do my homework I get lines and a detention!

You better watch out kids!

If you can't finish, do as much as you can so you can get as much credit as the teacher can give you. You might try setting your alarm and getting up half an hour early and trying to finish the work in the morning, or seeing if you can do some work in the car or bus on the way to school.

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10y ago

The answer is simple: You do your homework whether you want to or not. Not only will it help you learn, but it is also great training for when you are an adult and do not want to go to work, but must go to work anyway. Also, it is good training for when your boss gives you a project that you don't want to do, but you have to have the self-discipline to get the project done anyway.

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10y ago

You make a choice to do your homework even though you do not want to or not to do your because you don't want to do it. Keep in mind, though, that not doing it will have consequences and doing it will have rewards, not only now, but in the habits you develop for the future.

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10y ago

Whatever you want! You can play or find something else to work on if you want to do some schoolwork and get ahead. Try reading the next section of the textbook and working the problems in that chapter, or do an online search for practice quizzes or homework help.

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13y ago

By making some lame excuse to your teacher.

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