== == Check with the high school counselor about getting a GED. To me, it is better to do that than to fill a seat in school for two more years and fail to participate. At least when the child changes his mind, he won't be able to go back to that sort of school--it will be community college or more.
It is considered truancy. Until your son turns 19 he is required by law to stay in school if you inforce this. I would start at the school for inforcement just because you may want to inquire about the law and what exactly happens to his criminal record or their maybe long court cases and perminate damage between you and your sons relationship. State compulsory education laws differ greatly, however there is no state which requires a person to remain in school after the age of 18. Although a person under the age of eighteen is considered in ALL states to be under the control of the parent(s), if the age of compulsory education law is under 18, there is little the parents can do if the minor wants to "drop out". Such contradiction in state law(s) is not unusual and often creates confusion in the "parent(s) vs. the minor child" power struggles.
Obviously no one wants you to follow them.....................................................................................................................
Because the school system is a employer, and the applicant wants a job.
vimeo.com works at school youtube wont but you can get on the site by putting before the www.youtube.com a secure cnnection. https:// make sure to use the s or it wont work. it still wont let you watch vids but you can look at profiles and stuff.
if your boyfriend wont come to school then the best thing is to break it off. if he isn't doing his school work or coming to school then if you two were to ever get married and have children then he most likely wont be able to help support you and your family
They work at mcdonalds
Probably a work permit from her school to keep it legal.
If a teenager wants a job, and under the age of 18 they must get a work permit from their school.
long distance relation ships never work out even if he says he wont cheat they always do chika.
ovisly there is no passion there so walkaway an try again she is a ex and there must be a reason y that is
Because software has been installed to keep students from accessing inappropriate sites while on school property.
Yes, everyone wants to go to work and school on Valentine's Day to get their valentines! Stores and schools are open as usual.
Talk to him. Maybe you can work something out.