"With love and affection forever" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Con amore e affetto per sempre.
Specifically, the preposition con is "with". The masculine noun amore means "love". The conjunction emeans "and". The masculine noun affetto means "affection". The preposition per means "for, through". The adverb sempre translates as "always".
The pronunciation will be "koh-nah-MOH-rey ahf-FEHT-toh pehr SEHM-prey" in Italian.
It is Italian for "for ever and ever"
Io vi amo per sempre e sempre! Io sono sempre qui per voi! in Italian means "I love you forever and ever! I'll be here for you!" in English.
"Always and forever my love!" in English is Sempre e per sempre l'amore mio! in Italian.
"Ti amo sempre e per sempre". Hope it helps!
"Always and always" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase sempre e sempre. The pronunciation will be "SEM-prey SEM-prey" in Italian.
Io vi amo per sempre e sempre! Io sono sempre qui per voi! in Italian means "I love you forever and ever! I'll be here for you!" in English.
Per sempre (e sempre) is just one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "forever and ever."Specifically, the preposition per is "for." The adverb sempre means "always, ever" in this context. The conjunction e means "and."The pronunciation will be "per SEM-prey SEM-prey" in Italian.
me e voi per sempre caldo
ti amo ora e per sempre
The translation of "I am yours forever and a day" into Italian is "Sono tuo per sempre e un giorno."
Saúde e felicidade sempre! Saúde = health e = and felicidade = happiness sempre = always
"I love you forever and always!" and "I love you all forever and always!" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase Io vi amo per sempre e sempre! The pronunciation of the phrase -- which centers upon the object pronoun vi being translated as formal singular "you" or informal plural "you all" according to context -- will be "EE-o vee A-mo per SEM-prey SEM-prey" in Italian.