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'Love forever' is an English equivalent of 'Amore per sempre'. The Italian word 'amore' is a masculine noun whose definite article is 'l' ['the'] and whose indefinite article is 'un' ['a, one']. The phrase is pronounced 'ah-MOH-reh pehr SEHM-preh'.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

"With love and affection forever" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Con amore e affetto per sempre.

Specifically, the preposition con is "with". The masculine noun amore means "love". The conjunction emeans "and". The masculine noun affetto means "affection". The preposition per means "for, through". The adverb sempre translates as "always".

The pronunciation will be "koh-nah-MOH-rey ahf-FEHT-toh pehr SEHM-prey" in Italian.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

"I love you forever" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ti amo per sempre. The use of the second person informal singular shows that the phrase is being said to a family member, friend or peer. The pronunciation will be "tee A-mo per SEM-prey" in Italian.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Always and forever

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βˆ™ 13y ago

with forever love.. or for always love...

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