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There are 8 Arabic words for the word cousin: ibn 3am (male cousin from the paternal uncle). ibn khal (male cousin from the maternal uncle). bint 3am (female cousin from the paternal uncle). bint khal (female cousin from the maternal uncle). Then there are cousins from the paternal and maternal aunts: ibn 3amma (male cousin from the paternal aunt). ibn khalah (male cousin from the maternal aunt). bint 3ammah (female cousin from the paternal aunt). bint khalah (female cousin from the maternal aunt). Having so many words in a language indicates the importance of family in Arab culture and the importance of being able to place members exactly on the family tree. Learning a language involves learning its culture as well. Learning Arabic online and studying the words of a family free is made possible through

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Q: What does 'cousin' mean to Arab Americans?
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Sounds like you need a new cousin.

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"ton cousin" is "your cousin" if it's a girl it would be "ta cousine"