I think you meant to write "haciendo amigos" - it means "making friends."
Hacienda amigos would mean "plantation/farm" and "friends" but would not make any sense.
"Tienes amigos" in English translates to "you have friends."
"Hablo con amigos" means "I talk with friends" in English.
Amigos is Spanish for friends, but it is also used as an English word with the same meaning.
This means "all my friends".
" so are the friends"
We are friends.
"Como se llaman los amigos" means "What are the friends' names?" in English.
what does buenas tardes, usted comparte con sus amigos poderosus abrazo mean translated to english
"No Mas Cantina" is probably the name of a bar - "no more cantina" as in "you cannot have (any) more". "Hacienda" is a large (very large!) ranch or plantation
friends of the farm (or Farm Friends)
Where do you play with your friends?
"¿Cómo se llaman tus amigos?" means "What are your friends' names?" in English.