"CÉAD MÍLE FÁILTE" means "100,000 Welcomes".
In Irish "cead" means "permission" If you mean "céad", it is "hundred".
Cead means 'permission'; Céad mean 'a hundred' also 'first'.
It means can i go to the bathroom.
Probably 'Céad míle fáilte', Irish for 'one hundred thousand welcomes'.
A mile is about 1.6 kilometers, if that's what you mean.
Mille passuum - mile
If you mean which one is longer it is a mile. A mile is 5280 feet.
You mean kilometer, mile is longer.
If you mean 18/24 of a mile then it is 1320 yards
If you mean 2/4 of a mile then it is 880 yards
it means your mom :D