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PhD is an abbreviation for "Doctor of Philosophy" (Philosophiae Doctor).

The reason for the name is historical. Most universities used to have only four majors: divinity, law, medicine, and philosophy. All other modern subjects (such as physics, English, math) were part of philosophy, and so most subjects still use PhD as their doctoral degree.

To receive a PhD you first must receive a BA or BS degree (4 year undergraduate degree). You then apply for a Master's degree and then apply to be accepted to a PhD program. Some PhD programs combine the Master's and PhD into one.

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8y ago
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13y ago

It means they have a doctor of philosophy in some subject. If they are a doctor of medicine, it could mean they have a have an MD (doctor of medicine) and a PhD, or it could mean they are a doctor in some other subject and not a doctor of medicine.

In my case I have a PhD in physics, and also an MD. So I could put the PhD after my name, but I usually don't because it would add confusion.

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11y ago

Doctor of Philosophy, it certifies one as a licensed doctor of a certain field of study. This type of degree requires a long education, but afterwards one will obtain a degree to show their certification.

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17y ago

Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated PhD for the Latin Philosophiæ Doctor, meaning "teacher of philosophy".

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17y ago

Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated PhD for the Latin Philosophi

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15y ago

Doctor of Philosophy. This is the highest degree someone can get.

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9y ago

It means doctor of philosophy. It's the most common denomination for a research doctorate and applies to graduates in a wide range of disciplines in the sciences and humanities.

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15y ago

PH.d : a doctorate usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation; the highest degree awarded graduate study

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15y ago

It stands for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

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