Shizuka na Hibi no Kaidan Wo was created on 2000-11-29.
Komori Kachou no Yuuga na Hibi was created in 2009.
The cast of Tachikoma na hibi - 2002 includes: Sakiko Tamagawa as Tachikoma
The cast of Shizuka na ichinichi - 2003 includes: Marika Abe
Shizuka na himei.
静かな死 (shizuka na shi) would mean "Silent Death" in Japanese.
the warriors
静かな天使 shizuka na tenshi
Jedziemy na lody translates to English to mean "We'll go for ice cream."
Na es diminutivo de "nada". Nothing
And/But where are you?
"Na praia" is Portuguese and means "at the beach" in English.