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Q: What does a weather satellite do?
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Related questions

Where was the first weather satellite invented?

The first weather satellite was invented in the United States. The TIROS-1 (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) was launched by NASA in 1960 and was the first satellite to successfully transmit weather images from space.

A weather satellite can what weather?

track weather

Name the different kinds of satellite?

land satellite sea satellite communication satellite weather satellite and spy satellite

What is a weather satellite?

A weather satellite is a type of satellite that is specifically designed to monitor weather conditions on Earth from space. These satellites provide valuable information about cloud cover, temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric phenomena, which are used to forecast weather patterns and predict severe weather events.

Where is the weather satellite invented?

The weather satellite was invented in the United States. The first successful weather satellite, TIROS-1, was launched by NASA in 1960.

What was the first us weather satellite?

In 1707, the first satellite was built by Morgan Fisalt.

Do satellite phones still work in stormy weather?

Satellite phones definitely work in stormy weather. People have this perception that they dont but that is a myth. Weather does not affect satellite phones. Some people would think they do because of satellite cable but please understand that satellite phones are different from cable and they still work in stormy weather.

Is there anywhere people can go to view weather via satellite?

The weather via satellite is available from the National Weather Service and Local Weather Channels. Weather patterns can also be viewed on these channels.

Who invented the nasa weather satellite?

The first weather satellite was TIROS-1, launched by NASA in 1960. The development of this satellite was led by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in collaboration with the U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service).

What was the first weather satellite?


When was the first weather satellite?

IN 1960

What type of satellite is geostationary operational environment satellite how does it work?

a weather satellite and it rotates around the Earth at the same rate and in the same direction that Earth revolves so it is always fixed over the same location.