Originally a challenge was an invitation to fight. One sometimes sees in historical dramas people slapping other people with gloves in order to challenge them to some ritualistic fight such as a joust or duel.
Since much of competition is a replacement for fighting, it now more frequently means an invitation to compete. Thus "Our football team has challenged yours" means an invitation to compete in a game; "I challenge the sales staff to sell $100,000 worth this month" is an invited to compete for sales.
It also extends to competing against an abstract standard whether set by oneself or others: "I challenge you to run a mile in three minutes"; "I've challenged myself to eat no desserts this month."
Noun and adjective meaning flow from this latter use. In the sentence "Getting around the course at par is a real challenge.", the word "real" was necessary to show that the standard is high in such a competition. If the standard were low, one would say that it was "not much of a challenge". Usually, however, the word "challenge" alone carries the implication that it is a difficult challenge, and has thus acquired the meaning "difficult". "This crossword puzzle is a challenge" means that it is difficult; the adjective "challenging" has the same meaning.
It means taking up the challenge. Let's say I come and challenge you to a fight and you accept the challenge, we both will have a fight
He to challenge him to a sword fight.
It means you're ready to take anything on.
Answer Maybe they find mean girls to be a challenge for them.
if you challenge someone, ever heard of truth or DARE it's obvious you dare them to do something
It means to issue a challenge, usually in a very aggressive way, as if you are throwing down a gauntlet.
Challenge. Perchance.
To be vertically challenged means that you are short.
it means to stand up for yourself
'Dare' means "who" in Japanese.
Stimulating work is a job that isn't boring. It offers some degree of mental challenge to the worker, and the worker enjoys the challenge.
in order to complete this challenge you must move the guitar up and down when you are in star power mode. you can go into the star challenge menu for each song in quickplay+ and it will show you what each challenge means. good luck!