mensa. You could say, cibus est in mensa (The food is on the table).
Cibus pro itinere
Cibus cibus The Latin for food is victus, victus m. 4th
In omnia paratus means IN ALL THINGS BE PREPARED
Prepared. The motto of the Coast Guard is "Semper Paratus" (Always Prepared).
In omnia paratus (not "ominia") is Latin for "Prepared for everything" or "Ready for anything".
semper= sim pur paratus= pa raw tus
The Latin equivalent of the English statement 'Music is food for the soul' is the following: Musica est cibus pro anima. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'musica' means 'music'. The verb 'est' means '[he/she/it] is'. The noun 'cibus' means 'food'. The preposition 'pro' means 'for'. And the noun 'anima' means 'soul'.
Semper paratus means 'always prepared', the motto of the US Coast Guard.