Believe it or not, "hair"! Here's a good way to remmeber it: The English "comet" comes from the Latin "coma," because a comet's tail looked like hair to whomever named it.
coma, -ae (fem.)
"coma", a derivative in english would be a comb, which is used to brush hair. pronounced coe-MA.
Nox noctis Coma
it is still coma but it is different to say
A single hair is pilus.The hair of the head is coma.
It means: comma (as in punctuation) OR a coma as in a state of unconsciousness.
How are you
No ghosts appear when people are in a coma, only doctors and nurses.
You are thinking of coma berenices, a constellation of stars near Leo.
Usually, tears are a common function of the human body. It does not necessarily mean that a patient is coming out of a coma.
in a coma like state
Eat Poop.
my amo amnay