The Scottish Gaelic for 'heart' is cridhe. (pronounced "kreea")
Irish Gaelic: " croí " Pronounced: cree. Scots Gaelic: "cridhe"
It could be translated as Croí Cróga (Irish Gaelic) or Cridhe Cròdha (Scottish).
The Gaelic (Irish) word for heart is 'croí' pronounced 'cree' !! The Gaelic (Scottish) word for heart is "cridhe" pronounced as above.
In Irish it's "croí" In Welsh it's "calon" In Scots Gaelic it's "cridhe"
In Irish:Mórchroí;mórchroíoch (big-hearted)In Scottish Gaelic: ?
In Scottish Gaelic:'S tric a bhios cridhe gheal ann an seiche dhonn.In Irish: Is minic a bhí fear maith i seanbhríste.
A musical party in Gaelic is referred to as a Cèilidh, which is a traditional Scottish Gaelic social gathering involving the playing of traditional music and dance.
The cast of An Cridhe Cabaireach - 2012 includes: Matthew Hand as Policeman Joseph Webb as The Old Man
Rebekah is not a Gaelic name and therefore doesn't mean anything in Gaelic.
It is not a Gaelic word. Gaelic has no K.