The German equivalent of Elizabeth is Elisabeth. It is derived from the Hebrew/Aramaic name Elisheba, and means "my God is bountiful", "luck, happiness, abundance of blessings"
In German like many languages (Spanish, French) proper noun names do not have meanings. Elizabeth means Elizabeth, yet it will be said with a different pronunciation.
it means elagance and it is german for elisabeth
Nouns are splelled same in German so Elizabeth remains Elizabeth..
Elizabeth is a Biblical name menaing 'My god is an oath'. Schuessler is a German surname meaning 'someone who makes dishes and bowls'.
"Liesl" is the German form of the name "Elizabeth", which in the original Hebrew means "God's Promise"
Elizabeth von Arhnim has written: 'Elizabeth and her German garden'
She is English, but many of her immediate ancestors were German
With the exception of a few historical personalities, names are not translated, so Clare Elizabeth Dwyer is the same in German.
Queen Elizabeth's surname was Windsor. Her family's surname was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha until 1917 when they changed it to Windsor to sound non-German (the British people were anti-German then as it was WWI). Members of the British Royal Family do not have surnames. They are the descendants of the house of Windsor but this is not the same as holding a surname. However, as you posted this Question in the "Elizabeth I" category I assume you mean the first Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth I was a member of the House of Tudor but, as with Elizabeth II this does not constitute a surname
No she was born in New Jersy!