Without context, it could mean seveal things, but one is"I am fed up."
I'm boring (soy aburrido) I'm bored (estoy aburrido). These two phrases have distinct meanings.
Aki aburrido? Who is Aki? Seriously, that sentence is not Spanish, at leat not correct Spanish. ABURRIDO means bored,and AQUI means here, but " here bored?"How about, estamos aburridos, or, estoy aburrido, or, es muy aburrido aqui.
Estoy aburrido como la mierda = I'm bored as s***.
i'm bored
estoy aburrido = I am bored
It means "I'm so bored damnit"
It means: How boring!
Estoy is Spanish for "I am."'It means "to be", it is used in many Spanish sentences. there is another Spanish verb that is called ser and it also means to be. you use ser and Estar in two different ways [estoy is the 'YO' form of estar] to remember when to use each there is a little poem... "For how you feel and where you are, that is when you use estar. For who you are and where you're from, then use ser, the other one." This is coming from someone in Spanish II -not an online translator
It means "I am super bored. You are my best girl friend forever". The term "super" is a little on the Spanglish side, but is usually recognized by most Spanish speakers.
You meant:ABURRIDO (correct spelling) boring; boredEstoy aburrido --- I'm boredSoy aburrido --- I'm a boring person
''Estoy bien'' is the Spanish for ''I am fine''.