Kagi means fire in Japanese
Kagi is incorrect. Kagi translates either to hook, or to either key or lock. The following words are appropriate Japanese translations for "fire":
hi (pronounced "HEE") = "fire; flame; blaze"
hinote (pronounced "hee - NOH - tay") = "flames; blaze; fire"
ka = "fire", as describing one of the five elements - fire, water, earth, wood, and metal - in Chinese cosmology.
kaji = "fire; conflagration"
kaki = "fire"
kasai = "fire; conflagration"
dragon=ryu or doragon(ryu can be spelled ryuu, and some may use the word tatsu)
and various websites on Google
火 Fire Kaji (Kah-G) Used when talking about an emergency. Ka (Kah) Hi (He) http://www.saiga-jp.com/cgi-bin/dic.cgi?m=search&sc=0&f=0&j=&g=&e=fire&s=&rt=0&start=1&sid=1247258015_62716 水 Water Mizu Oyu (hot water) Sui http://answers.Yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061130175943AABGRFJ http://www.saiga-jp.com/cgi-bin/dic.cgi?m=search&sc=0&f=0&j=mizu&g=&e=&s=&rt=0&start=1&sid=1247258015_62716
The blue dragon is said to be a symbol of a leader in Japanese culture.
火竜の牙 =fire dragon fang
Round Dragon.
The dragon son
It means flying dragon.
in japanese it refer to demon dragon
It means Black Dragon in Japanese
Do you mean "How do you get an Air Dragon on Dragonvale?" You have to breed a fire and water dragon
Ryu means dragon in Japanese and ko means child in Japanese
One word for ancient Chinese fire dragon is 祝融 "しゅくゆう" "Shukuyuu."
Ryuu - dragon Ka - fire Pronounced exactly the way it's spelled. !
Ryujin means "Dragon God" in Japanese.