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γωνία [goneea] = angle, corner

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Q: What does greek word gonia means?
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What does octagon mean in greek word meanings?

Octagon derives from Octo and Gonia. Octo means eight, gonia means angle. So, a shape of eight angles, is called an octagon.

What are the 2 greek word of trigonometry?

tria = three gonia = angle metron = measurement

A 7 sided polygon is called what?

A 7 sided polygon is called heptagon. "Hepta" derives from the Greek word: επτά (spelled epta) which means 7, while "gon" derives from the Greek word: γωνία (spelled gonia) which means angle.

What language did a hexagon come from?

The word "hexagon" comes from Greek, with "hexa" meaning "six" and "gonia" meaning "angle." It refers to a polygon with six sides and six angles.

What is the Greek root meaning angle or corner?

The Greek root meaning angle or corner is "gonia."

Why is a twelve sided shape called dodecagon?

From Greek duo "two" + deka "ten" + gonia . You can understand why a hexagon is called a hexagon using the same idea. Hex referring to 6 and gonia again. Now how about a nonagon. Nope, not greek, it comes from the latin word for 9 which is nonus. So it does not always work.

Where does the word polygon originate from?

Greek: "poly-" from polus, meaning many. "gon" from gonia, meaning angle. Hence, many angles and implicitly many sides.

What are the Greek words of polygon?

polygon < &pi;&omicron;&lambda;&#973;&gamma;&omega;&nu;&omicron; < &pi;&omicron;&lambda;&#973; + &gamma;&omega;&nu;&#943;&alpha;&pi;&omicron;&lambda;&#973; = multi-, many&gamma;&omega;&nu;&#943;&alpha; = angleSo polygon = "multiangled"

What is the greek words for trigonometry?

comes from three Greek words; "tria"-three, "gonia"-angle, "metron"-measurement RAYMARK is online

Why is a pentagon name pentagon?

In Greek Penta means 5 and gonyon means angle

The Greek word monk means what?

Monk comes from the Greek word, monakhos, which means "solitary."

The Greek word for rule literally means to?

The Greek word for "rule" literally means "to umpire".