High school grade year basically means which grade someone is in. High schools generally consist of 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade. Students in 9th grade are freshmen. Students in 10th grade are sophomores. Students in 11th grade are known as juniors. Students in 12th grade are seniors.
Justin Bieber is in 10th grade, and he is 16 years old.He is a freshman in high school. That means he is in 9th grade.Justin Beiber is probably in his first or second year of high school. I think he is in his second or third year of high school
12th grade is called senior year of high school. It's your last year of high school unless you're a high school drop out.
It means grades kindergarten through 12th grade (last year of high school).kindergarten to 12th grade
Yes, 11th grade is part of high school. It is the second to last year of high school.
This year, the 2015-2016 school year, the class of 2019 would be in 9th grade.
Justin bieber is 16 is a freshmen ( this is his first year in high school) in high school for the moment , is not gay is single and his favorite grade 7th grade.
9th Grade, High School. Freshmen year.
if i was almost 17 years can i go to high school?
12th grade is called senior year of high school. It's your last year of high school unless you're a high school drop out.
Year 11 in high school in the UK
The 6th grade in England is the same as saying year 6. Its like when they say lower school that means primary when they say middle school that means secondary and high school means college or 6 form
If your ninth grade is in high school, then you are a freshman. Otherwise, you're a ninth-grader.