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It could be translated as " I will hurt you".

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Q: What does ich tu dir weh mean in English?
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When was Ich tu dir weh created?

Ich tu dir weh was created on 2010-02-05.

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WEH is for Walter E. Hayward, Co.

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a government in the government

Can a band sing dirty songs at an all ages concert?

Yeah, but it depends on the jurisdiction of local free speech laws. in the USA, UK, and most of the "free"/western world it should be fine, but in Germany, when Rammstein released Liebe Ist Für Alle Da, it was partially censored because of apparent sadomasochistic and sexual content in the songs Pussy and Ich tu dir weh. Even though the ruling was appealed and the album was allowed to be sold uncensored, while the album was on the govermental list of censored music, parts of Ich tu dir wehhad to be sang with alternative lyrics. But if you're going to see Steel Panther, you've got nothing to worry about.

Where can you find the text of gern hab ich die frauen geksst?

Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküsst,hab' nie gefragt, ob es gestattet ist;dachte mir: nimm sie dir,küss sie nur, dazu sind sie ja hier!Ja, glaubt mir: Nie nahm ich Liebe schwer.Ich liebe heiss, doch treu bin ich nicht sehr,bin ein Mann, nicht viel dran,Liebchen fein: ich schau' auch Andre an!Ich kenn' der wahrhaften Liebe Glut,ich weiss, wie weh oft die Falschheit tut,ich kenn' die Wonnen,begonnen mit Freud,ich sah ihr wenden und enden mit Leid!Ich kenn' die Liebe in Dur und Moll,ich kenn' sie selig, verrückt und toll,ich schau' erwachend und lachend zurückund such' im Rausche, im Tausche meinGlück!Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküsst, usw.

What is meant by the abbreviation WEH?

The abbreviation "WEH" mean a few different things. Some of the most common meanings include "Wean Hall", "write enable high", and "Western Express Highway".

When was Allen Weh born?

Allen Weh was born on 1942-11-17.

What is 'Bientôt ouais' when translated from French to English?

"Soon, yeah!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Bientôt, ouais! the pronunciation will be "bya-to weh" in French.

How do you pronounce guero?

"Guero" is pronounced as "weh-roh," with the emphasis on the first syllable.

What does Yu jus dash mi weh so mean?

"Yu jus dash mi weh so" is Caribbean/Creole dialect for "You just pushed me away like that." It conveys a feeling of being suddenly rejected or dismissed.

Translate weiu weiu nur du allein into English?

nur Du allein = you alone (or only you) Weiu weiu is not German. The closest German expression is O wei o wei, (variation of o weh o weh) which translates as uh oh!