under average pressure and temperature on Earth, substances remain on their most stable state. this means on the state on which they contain least energy to change. to change the state of a substance, you either have to add energy to it, or take it away. this is generally done with heat. when a substance has a lower evaporating point, it means it is more unstable (than anothe one, water, for example), it means it better exists as a gas than as a liquid. it becomes vapor at a lesser temperature.for example, alcohol has a lower evaporation point than water (it is more volatile) because its vapors have less energy than water vapor. this is very related with the temperature and pressure the substance is exposed to.
evaporation means when something gets heated and went in the sky.
Evaporation is the process by which a liquid, such as water, changes into a gas, usually due to heating or exposure to sunlight. During evaporation, molecules near the liquid's surface gain enough energy to escape into the air as vapor.
That depends on if you mean in the Lower 48 or not.
Price point means the price of something.
It is a way of identifying the position of something.
Do you mean Evaporation? If so Evaporation is the Opposite of Percipitation ( the falling of rain ) so Evaporation is water rising into the atmosphere and becoming rain clouds which is then moving in the Water Cycle to the next point which is Percipitation.
It is the point at which something comes into existance
It means how something is related to something else. For example, "explain evaporation as it relates to the water cycle" they would want to know how evaporation is relevant to the water cycle and what it does to be important in that specific setting. It means that something is being discussed in a specific way that is important to the thing is is relating to, not justanythingthere is to know about thatsubjective.
i get very sleepy at times and my lower back hurts what does that mean ?
To say that there is no point in doing something means you are calling it useless or wasted effort.
To point out something that looks bad instead of good.
It can mean how fast something gets from point A to point B. OR It can be used as slang for drugs. cocaine I think. :/