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Q: What does jager blutist wohlgemut on a German stein mean?
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What is the German word for stone?


What is a sentence using the word German?

I think that that stein is German. I don't speak German.

Where did the name stein originate?

Stein is Teutonic in origin, coming from the Old High German stein meaning "something hard, a rock".

What nationality is the surname Stein?

The surname Stein is of German origin. It is a common surname in Germany and can also be found in other countries with German-speaking populations.

When did the first German Beer Stein come about?

German Beer Steins are traditional german mugs which can be more for a decorative feel than actually used for drinking. The first "Bier Stein" originated in the late 1800's in Germany.

What does the name STEIN mean in English?

steinStein is the German word for "stone".

What has the author Gerhard Schmidt-Stein written?

Gerhard Schmidt-Stein has written: 'Schlesisches Porzellan vor 1945' -- subject(s): German Porcelain, History, Marks, Porcelain, Porcelain industry, Porcelain, German

What is the word stone in other languages?

In Spanish, "stone" is "piedra." In French, it is "pierre." In German, it is "Stein."

Is the last name Stone Jewish-German?

Stone comes from Stein which is German and means stone. It can be German or German-Jewish. Many Jewish names are German words or come from German words. Schwartz, for example, means black in German.

What does lieberstein mean?

"Lieberstein" is a surname of German origin. It is derived from the German words "lieber," meaning "beloved" or "dear," and "stein," meaning "stone."

What is the origin of the word stein?

The word "stein" comes from the German language, where it means "stone" or "rock". It was originally used to refer to a type of drinking vessel made of stone or earthenware, typically with a handle and a hinged lid.

What has the author Timo Stein written?

Timo Stein has written: 'Zwischen Antisemitismus und Israelkritik' -- subject(s): German Foreign public opinion, Antisemitism, New Left, Public opinion