黒い (kuroi) - black 亀 (kame) - tortoise/turtle 黒い亀 (kuroi kame) - black turtle
亀 kame.
That would be 'Kame'
Ka like in coffee and me like in merry.
a kame in Japanese is a turtle , but also a handsome man known to people
かめ (kame) (kah-meh) is "turtle" in Japanese, but the correct word for "tortoise" is リクガメ (Rikugame) (Ree-koo-gah-meh) - notice that the word (kame) is still present, but the k has now changed to a g sound. The kanji for the word turtle is 亀 but the word for tortoise is usually written in katakana as tortoises are not native to Japan.
A tattoo of a turtle symbolizes peace and serenity. A Japanese take on this tattoo would be to use the Japanese Kanji or character for turtle, Kame.
A turtle's face would be 'kame no kao,' while a "face like a turtle" would be 'kame no you na kao,' written (in that order): カメの顔  カメのような顔
KAME-TV was created on 1981-10-11.
Kazuya Kamenashi goes by Kame, Kame-chan, and Ka-kun.
· kame · kettle · knoll
Bonheur River Kame Provincial Park was created in 1985.