Lavo with a macron over the "o."
Lavo, Lavare, Lavi, Lautus (or Lotus): to wash
i think you heard "lavo" which is "i wash"
lavó (לבוא) = "to come"
Lavo Čermelj was born in 1889.
Lavo Čermelj died in 1980.
Lavo Kingdom ended in 1388.
Lavo C ermelj has written: 'Life-and-death struggle of a national minority'
Lavandula. This is closely connected to the verb lavo, meaning I wash/bathe/soak, since the herb was used in bath water or water for washing clothes.
Lavo I vestiti
The ancient Romans spoke Latin. There are hundreds of latin words that begin with L, such as: laurus lautia lavo lego liberatio liber libraria licet longurius loratus lorica lorcatus lorum
You say "lavo" in Esperanto.