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Mustela is the name of the weasel family, though the word may come from the latin word for "mouse". Frenata is latin for "bridle", referring to the dark lines on the face that look like reins (during the summer months) Mustela Frenata scientific species name for a Long-tailed Weasel

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Scientific name for the longtail weasle?

Mustela frenata

Are there wild ferrets weasels and martens in middle TN?

In Tennessee, wildlife in the Mustelidae or Mustelids (from Latin mustela, weasel) family, commonly referred to as the weasel family, are Northern River Otter (Lutra canadensis), Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata), and American Mink (Mustela vison),

Do weasels live in Georgia?

Yes. According to the Georgia Wildlife Federation, there are two species of weasels in Georgia: the Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis) and the Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela frenata).

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the animal Long-tailed weasel?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Mustela frenata.

Latin name for a stoat?

The Latin name for a stoat is Mustela erminea.

What does mustela putorius furo mean?

Mustela putorius furo is the scientific name for the Domestic Ferret in the family MustelidaeThe name "ferret" is derived from the French fuiret, from Latin fur meaning "thief".Mustela (Latin for weasel)putorius (Latin putor meaning a stench or stink)furo (Latin fur which means thief)

Where did the weasels name originate?

In Great Britain, the Least Weasel was known simply as a weasel, and this is the original use of the word. In general use, "weasel" on its own, is now usually applied to the genus, and in America it is used as a common name for a number of species. Mustela Nivalis Nivalis, Mustela Erminea, Mustela Frenata, Mustela Nigripes are the four common to North America.

Are weasels in ross county and Ohio?

Yes, long-tailed weasels (Mustela frenata) are found throughout the United States. In northern parts of Ohio, least weasels (Mustela nivalis) may be found, but probably not as far south as Ross County.

What has the author Richard DeVan written?

Richard DeVan has written: 'The ecology and life history of the long-tailed weasel (mustela frenata)' -- subject(s): Mustelidae, Weasels

What is the Latin name for a mink?

European Mink (Mustela lutreola) American Mink (Mustela vison)

What species are ferrets?

They are Mustela putorius furo, which is Latin for "weasel-like stinky thief." The European polecat, from which ferrets are believed to have been domesticated, is Mustela putorius.

How many different types of weasel are there?

Depending on what you define as a "weasel", there are either 12 or 17 varieties. That is, of the 17 members of the genus Mustela, there are 5 who do not have the word "weasel" in their given name. They are the Stoat, which has weasel in it's common name in some parts of the world, and the Steppe Polecat, the European Mink, the Black-footed Ferret, the European Polecat. The 17 species of weasel (and their common name) are: 1. Mustela africana - Tropical Weasel 2. Mustela altaica - Mountain Weasel 3. Mustela erminea - Stoat (also known as an ermine or a short tailed weasel) 4. Mustela eversmannii - Steppe Polecat 5. Mustela felipei - Columbian Weasel 6. Mustela frenata - Long-tailed Weasel 7. Mustela itatsi - Japanese Weasel 8. Mustela kathiah - Yellow-bellied Weasel 9. Mustela lutreola - European Mink 10. Mustela lutreolina - Indonesian Mountain Weasel 11. Mustela nigripes - Black-footed Ferret 12. Mustela nivalis - Least Weasel 13. Mustela nudipes - Malaysian Weasel 14. Mustela putorius - European Polecat (it is thought that the European Polecat was dometsticated and became the domestic ferret we know today) 15. Mustela sibirica - Siberian Weasel 16. Mustela strigidorsa - Back-striped Weasel 17. Mustela subpalmata -Egyptian Weasel There used to be 18, but the American Mink has since been renamed Neovison vison. I believe it is the only surviving member of the genus Neovison, as the others were hunted to extinction for their fur.