What does Arabic word inshallala mean in English
Salem is from a Hebrew word meaning peace.
Dodge is not an Arabic word.
The Arabic word jabal means 'mountain'.
The English word Salem derives from the Hebrew word Shalem, another word for Jerusalem and to mean peace.
Gayer is a not a word in modern English. If you mean "happier," the Arabic word is أسعد (pronounced 'as3ad)
Salem is not a Hebrew word, but it is similar to these words: Shalom = peace Sulam = ladder Silem = To modulate
It is not an Arabic word but English word wrote in Arabic script : It means : christian
It mean قليل ......kaliil(its pronounce in Arabic).
Stone in Arabic is : Ha'jar or Sakh'ar
شهيدة Shaheeda is an Arabic word means Martyr