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Q: What does the Federal Campaign Act require of a candidate?
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What requires every political candidate to report the name of every person who contributes 200 or more to the candidates election campaign?

idk its ether i need help on this one to=a. revenue act==b. the federal election campaign act==c. the federal election commission act==d. campaign refinancing act=

When did Federal Election Campaign Act happen?

Federal Election Campaign Act happened in 1971.

How did the federal election campaigh act reform campaign contribution?

The federal election campaign act was to regulate the campaign finance legislation.

Who was the regulator of PACs?

Federal Election Campaign Act

Pacs are regulated by?

The federal election campaign act.

What are PACs regulated by?

The Federal Election Campaign Act.

What are PAC regulators?

The Federal Election Campaign Act.

Who regulates the PACs?

Federal Elections Commission

What is another name for the bipartisan campaign reform act?

It amended the Federal Election Campaign Act. It is also called the McCain-Feingold Act.

Political money is regulated by the federal government according to the?

Federal Election Campaign Act

Why did the Congress pass the federal election campaign act in 1972?

The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 was passed by Congress and enacted on February 7, 1972. It was meant to reform campaign finance. The law increased how much was disclosed abut contributions for federal campaigns.

Why did the US congress pass the Federal Election Campaign Act in 1972?

The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 was passed by Congress and enacted on February 7, 1972. It was meant to reform campaign finance. The law increased how much was disclosed abut contributions for federal campaigns.