Where are you going
No, "po po" does not have a specific meaning in Greek. It is not a Greek word or phrase.
You mean so much to me = Simaineis polla gia emena
thimamai omorfia= i remember beautiful
The Greek phrase "then ine toso poli" translates to "that is not so much" in English.
Congratulations ANSWER: It is used as a phrase of congratulations on the birth or baptism of a child. It literally means, "may he live for you."
It refers to the Greek mythological term of happiness
This does not seem to be a recognisable phrase in Greek. Please try and provide the closest accurate spelling.
khriso mou is a greek phrase that means "my dearest" or also "my love."
I am telling you the truth
There is no historical phrase. Its something other than Greeks use to say ''I dont understand anything its been said''. Greeks use the phrase ''Its all Chinese to me''.