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It means you earned the degree and may use the degree.

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Q: What does the phrase Rights Privileges and Immunities mean on a Masters Degree?
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What has the author Arnold T Guminski written?

Arnold T. Guminski has written: 'The constitutional rights, privileges, and immunities of the American people'

What does the privileges and immunities guarantee mean?

well it means to know what you are stating in a state or a government and knowing what the privileges are in your state or countryPrivileges and immunities have been considered to be natural rights of an individual in a free society, whether granted by statute or not. There is general agreement as to those rights given by statute to the people (1st 8 constitution amendments), but not to those retained by the people without defining specifics (9th amendment). Therein lies the problem and the constitutional argument over how far our individual rights extend.

What were the terms of the fourteenth amendments?

The Fourteenth Amendment Rights Guaranteed Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process and Equal Protection. The fourteenth amendment goes along with the thirteenth and fifteenth amendments.

How are rights and privileges different?

Rights can not be taken away, privileges can.

How does the Supreme Court incorporate the Bill of Rights into state law?

The Fourteenth Amendment via the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses, through the process of selective incorporation. The Bill of Rights is not fully applied to the state governments, as of May 2010.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Do every child has only rights and privileges?

They should. But some kids dont have a privileges and there rights

What was a colony in which stockholders were granted rights and privileges by the English monarch?

A colony in which stockholders were granted rights and privileges by the English.

Are wills made in Florida good in Vermont?

Yes. The privileges and immunities clause of the constitution guarantees that all rights granted in one state are applicable in all states. Example --> If you get married in Mississippi, that marriage is recognized in New Hampshire. Same thing with a will.

The process that grants immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship is called?

The process that grants immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship is called Naturalization.

What Mexican Rights are granted in the Mexican Constitution?

Literal translation from Article I of the Mexican Constitution: In the Mexican United States all individuals shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities granted by this Constitution. Such privileges and immunities shall not be restricted or suspended, but in the cases and under the conditions established by this Constitution itself. Slavery shall be forbidden in Mexico.Every individual who is considered as a slave at a foreign country shall be freed and protected under the law by just entering national territory. Discrimination based on ethnic or national origin as well as discrimination based on gender, age, disabilities of any kind, social status, health condition, religious opinions, preferences of any kind, civil status or on any other reason which attempts against human dignity and which is directed to either cancel or restrain the individuals' privileges and immunities, shall be prohibited. There are several additional articles discussing and granting human rights, but this will give you an overall feel of what the Mexican Constitution provides.

Which document protected English nobles' privileges and authority?

The Magna Carta was the document that represented a written guarantee of the rights and privileges.

Do the words All Men Are created equal apply to felons?

Yes. What is means is that all men are born with the same human rights. It does not mean that all men will always have the same rights and privileges. Through your actions , you can earn additional rights and privileges or lose rights and privileges that people ordinarily get for free.