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'You/he/she/it must keep to your/his/her/its bed'

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Q: What does tiene que guardar cama mean?
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What does que tiene mean?

"Que tiene" in Spanish translated to "what he/she/it has/you have" "Tiene" is the he/she/it/you(formal) conjugation of the Spanish verb "tener" which means "to have", therefore "tiene" means "he, she or it has/you have" "Que" can either mean "what" or "that" "Que tiene?" as a question means "What does he/she/it/you have?" "....que tiene" in the middle of a sentence usually means "that/which he/she/it has/you have". 'tener que' = 'to be obliged/have to' 'que tiene que' = 'which/who is/are obliged//has/have to'

What does que tiene ricardo mean?

¿Qué tiene Ricardo? (A self standing question) "What does Ricardo have?" ...que tiene Ricardo. (used at the end of a sentence) "...that Ricardo has."

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What do tiene que mean in English?

It means: he/she/you need to

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si quieren saber que es lo que estan buscando aqui jamas lo encontraran lo que encontraran sera pura popo.... credits: la vecina loca que tiene basura hasta en su cama...

What is the duration of Así No Hay Cama Que Aguante?

The duration of Así No Hay Cama Que Aguante is 1.5 hours.

When was Así No Hay Cama Que Aguante created?

Así No Hay Cama Que Aguante was created in 1980-03.

Que tiene de malo tiene ser virgen?

claro que si

What does que tiene mean in spanish?

¡A ver, a ver! JAMÁS EN ESPAÑOL "que tiene" y "¿qué tiene? / qué tiene" significarán lo mismo, dado que la pronunciación y la entonación son del todo distintas. Si alguien me dijere en español "que tiene", yo entiendo parte de una oración inacabada.Que tiene --- (That) he, she, it has / has got; (that) you have / have got (polite you, singular)That can be translated as "What do you have" or "What have you got".

What does usted no tiene que amar a nadie mean?

You don't have to love anybody.

What is que tiene que regresar manana in English?

"que tiene que regresar mañana" translates to "that has to come back tomorrow" in English.

What does no tiene nada que agradecer senorita mean in English?

You have nothing to thank miss.