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Todos los días tiendo mi cama.

"Hago mi cama todos los días."

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Tender / arreglar la cama

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Q: What does to make the bed mean in spanish?
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What does camita mean in spanish?

it means: "little bed"

What does acostarse mean in spanish?

to lie down, go to bed.

What does Vamos a la cama mean in spanish?

Let's go to bed

What is bed in Spanish?

The spanish word for bed is "cama".

What does mentiras en la cama mean in spanish?

bed(room) lies

What is word bed in Spanish?

"Bed" in Spanish is "la cama".

How do you say only make the bed in spanish?

sólo hacer la cama

Spanish translation for cama?

Cama in Spanish means bed in English.

What does je fais mon lit mean in English?

I am doing my bed

What is voy mean in spanish?

I go, I am going. Ex: Voy al cama ( I am going to bed)

What does Cama y agua mean in Spanish?

Cama y agua means bed and water.

How do you spell make my bed rock in spanish?

Meza / mezan / mece / meced mi cama.