Arigatou is 'Thank you.' Aishiteru is 'I love you.' Totemo ii desu is '[something] is very good.'
If by 'like' you mean 'love', then 'anata wo aishiteru.' Politely: 大好きです (Daisuki desu) Casually: 大好き (Daisuki)
Basically Means "I love" which doesnt make much sense, Probably translated wrongly. Aishiteru or Aishitemasu mean I love you. A less serious way of putting it would be anata no koto ga daisuki desu.
私はドンですか (watashi wa don desu ka) means "Am I Don?".Improvement:It also could mean "Which one am I?"; As the particle 'no' sometimes is stifled while in speech and sounds 'n', as are other particles (like dokkara = doko kara,etc).
baka means idiot. baka no desu is not how you say you are a idiot tho, anata WA baka desu means you are an idiot
I am pretty. atashi - I wa...desu - am kirei - pretty
Are you Canadian? I think. Watashi Ha Kanadajin Desu = I'm Canadian
"It's a clock."
It simply means 'No'
The Japanese phrase, '~desu WA' does not really mean anything; it is basically like an ending for a sentence that is not necessary. (Example: Watashi WA namae WA Keiichiro ~desu WA. [Translation: My name is Keiishiro.])
If you mean DESU , it means the verb "to be" in japonese ~
I think you mean "genki desu ka". The correct way of spelling it in English would be "ogenki desu ka". It is Japanese for "How are you?" One would usually answer by saying "Genki desu. Anata wa?' which means "I'm fine, and you?"