Translated from the German, it means "how much is that?", implying usually, "how much does that cost?"
Wie viel Geld sind 50000k
Wie viel kostet eine Briefmarke? translates as How much does a stamp cost?
"viel Liebe" is the translation, but when writing on a card or in a letter the phrase is "Mit viel Liebe".
How much is 100ml?
Wie viel Methadon darf ich in die Ukraine mitnehmen = how much methadon can I take to the Ukraine
2.54 cm
An welchem Tag und um wie viel Uhr ist dieses Fernsehprogramm = On what day and at what time is this tv show
How much do rabbits eat a day?
"Wie spät ist es" or "Wie spät haben wir" are the commonly used terms.Wieviel Uhr ist es?
I assume you mean 'Wie heißt mein hund.' Which means: "What is my dog's name."