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Eating out.

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Q: What does women rather have intercourse or eating out?
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What is the solution if you have missed the fast due to intercourse?

To fast is to refrain from eating; having intercourse does not constitute a violation of a fast.

What is a natural antidepressant?

exercise, good eating habits, sexual intercourse .

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It Happens to women after Sexiual intercourse

Do all woman have a organism during intercourse?

No. Some women rarely or never have an orgasm through intercourse alone.

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How many days can pass a women without sexual intercourse?

A woman can go a lifetime without sex. Men too. Just think about nuns and monks. It wont harm a woman to not have intercourse. Most women don't orgasm from intercourse alone anyway.

In what state is the city of Intercourse located?

Intercourse is not a city, but rather a small town. The small town of Intercourse is located deep in the Dutch counties in Pennsylvania. It is resident to mostly Amish families.

How do you know women need sexual intercourse?

when a women is stressed out n she want some sex ull no

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Knulla = engange in intercourse. (Rather vulgar term for it)

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You cannot, as there is no such word as 'vazaina'...

What does it when plenty fluid comes a women during sexual intercourse?

She busted