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That's the same as on english : Yoga.

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Q: What does yoga mean in spanish?
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What is debes hacer yoga in Spanish?

You should do yoga.

How do you say yoga in Spanish?

"Yoga" in Spanish is "yoga". It is pronounced the same as in English also. Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.

What yoga says about farting?

Did you mean, 'What does Yoga say about Farting?' Please restructure your question.

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Is yoga decrease planetary negative effect?

I think you mean to ask if yoga can help neutralize the negative planetary effects. The answer is "yes". Depending on what part (mind, emotions or body) you want to make "planet"-independent, you have to practise the yoga for your mind or else the Hatha Yoga.

What is Vanessa yoga?

I presume you mean Vinyasa flow yoga, which is a general term used to describe a practice which links breath to movement between asanas.

Is yoga good for baby?

If you mean pre-natal, using the gentle Yoga stretches will not hurt an unborn child. However, mom will be uncomfortable and unable to do more advanced poses in later pregnancy.If you mean a baby from infant to toddle age, there is no point or benefit from a child that young doing Yoga.

What is the difference between a yoga and a marga?

yoga and other activities are mainly 8 divison. One of is is used for body fittness and Marga is mean heavan.

Is yoga being spiritually well being?

Although "spiritual health" can mean different things to many people, practicing yoga has many benefits. You can increase flexibility and strength while improving coordination with proper yoga techniques.

How many paths of Yoga are there?

4 paths. Karma yoga,Bhakti yoga,Jnana Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga.

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What does the name Antonia mean in Spanish?

Antonia in spanish mean Flower or Flor in spanish