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You flunked your freshman year and will have to take the classes you didn't pass before you can graduate high school. At this rate most likely it will take 5 years to graduate unless you begin to apply yourself.

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Q: What happens if you only get 3 credits as a freshman in high school?
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For sure. happens alot.

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Freshman is the first year in high school or college

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No, usually high school freshman start as 9th graders. You can be a freshman in high school but that does have a number grade.

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A Freshman is someone in their first year of high school or collage.

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What is a freshman's year?

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In high school is it freshmen or freshman?

A freshmen or freshman is a 9th grader (first year of high school). Both are correct. Freshmen is plural: "The Freshmen sit in the first rows at the game." Freshman is singular: "The student waiting in the office is a Freshman."