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Bene! Grazie! E la tua? in Italian means "Fine, thanks, and yours?" in English regarding family.

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Q: What is 'Bene Grazie E la tua' when translated from Italian to English?
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What is 'Fine Thank you' when translated from English to Italian?

Bene, grazie

What is 'I'm fine Thanks' when translated from English to Italian?

Sto bene, grazie!

What is 'I am doing well Thank you' when translated from English to Italian?

Sto facendo bene grazie

What is 'Tutto bene grazie' when translated from Italian to English?

"All well, thank you!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tutto bene, grazie! The adverbial phrase and courtesy also translate into English as "All fine, thanks!" The pronunciation will be "TOOT-to BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" in Italian.

What is 'Grazie bene' when translated from Italian to English?

"Fine, thanks!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bene, grazie! The adverb and courtesy serve as a common response to being asked how one is. The pronunciation will be "BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" in Italian.

What is 'Sì Io sto bene Grazie per la domanda Sto lavorando' when translated from Italian to English?

Sì! Io sto bene! Grazie per la domanda. Sto lavorando in Italian means "Yes! I am well! thanks for your question. I'm working" in English.

What is 'Thank goodness' when translated from English to Italian?

Grazie al cielo! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Thank goodness!" The phrase translates literally as "Thanks to the heaven!" in English. The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey al TCHEH-lo" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'Very well thank you' when translated from English to Italian?

Benissimo, grazie! and Molto bene, grazie! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Very well, thank you!" The speaker's birthplace and personal preferences determine which option suits. The respective pronunciations will be "beh-NEES-see-mo GRA-tsyey" and MOL-to BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" in Italian.

What is 'abbastanza bene' when translated from Italian to English?

Abbastanza bene in Italian means "quite well" in English.

What is 'I am very well Thank you' when translated from English to Italian?

Sto molto bene! Grazie! and Vado benissimo! Grazie! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "I am very well! Thank you!" The speaker's birthplace and personal preferences determine which option suits. The respective pronunciations will be "sto MOL-to BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" and "VA-do beh-NEES-see-mo GRA-tsyey" in Italian.

What is 'Well Thank you' when translated from English to Italian?

Bene! Grazie! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Well! Thank you!" The two words also translate as "Fine (Good)! Thanks!" in English. The pronunciation will be "BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" in Italian.

What is 'Is that okay' when translated from English to Italian?

va bene?