Things are going very well. Thank you, Beautiful lady is an English equivalent of 'Va molto bene. Grazie, Bella donna. The verb 'va' means [he/she/it] does go, goes, is going' or [formal singular you] are going, does go, goes'. The adverb 'bene' means 'well'. The interjection 'grazie' means 'thank you'. The feminine adjective 'bella' means 'beautiful, handsome'. The feminine noun 'donna' means 'lady, woman'. All together, they're pronounced 'vah MOHLT-toh BEH-neh GRAH-tsyeh BEHL-lah DOHN-nah'.
"Thanks to you, beautiful lady" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Grazie a voi, bella signora. The courtesy, preposition, emphatic pronoun, feminine singular adjective and noun also may be rendered into English as "Thank you to you, beautiful woman (Mrs.)." The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey a voy BEL-la see-NYO-ra" in Italian.
Grazie, sensuale signora.
Grazie, signore! in Italian means "Thank you, sir!" in English.
Grazie a Dio! in Italian means "Thank God!" in English.
"No thank you!" in English means No, grazie! in Italian.
Sì, grazie, bella! in Italian means "Yes, thank you, beautiful!" in English.
"Why thank you?" in English means Perché grazie? in Italian.
Bene, grazie
"Thank you, my dear!" in English is Grazie, mia cara! to a female and Grazie, mio caro! to a male in Italian.
Mi piace! Grazie a tutti! in Italian means "I like (it)! Thanks to everybody!" in English.
"Thank you, my darling!" in English is Grazie, tesoro mio! in Italian.
"Thanks for asking!" in English is Grazie della domanda!in Italian.