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a man without ambition is like a ship without destination =Un hombre sin ambición es como un barco sin destino

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Q: What is 'a man without ambition is like a ship without destination' in Spanish?
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Intelligence without ambition is like bird without wings?

Intelligence without ambition may limit one's ability to achieve success or reach one's full potential. Ambition helps to drive individuals to utilize their intelligence effectively and pursue their goals with determination. Just as a bird needs its wings to soar and reach new heights, ambition serves as the driving force behind the application of one's intelligence to accomplish great things.

What happens to a person's without ambition?

A person without ambition may lack a sense of direction or purpose in life, leading to feelings of apathy, aimlessness, and dissatisfaction. Without goals or motivation to strive for personal growth or success, they may struggle to make progress or find fulfillment in their endeavors.

Who said 'intelligence without ambitions is a bird without wings'?

A bird without wings exists, but it never flies anywhere. Similarly, intelligence produces great ideas, but without the driving force of ambition (a willingness to do the work to turn a concept into reality) those ideas usually never end up 'taking off' either.This expression is an example of a metaphor: it directly compares two things (intelligence and birds) to make a point. If it had said instead, "Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings," it would have been a simile, an indirect comparison of the two ideas.

Which word means almost the same as goal?

The noun 'end' can have the same meaning as the word goal, although it is not often used with this meaning. It is not an obsolete use of the word 'end', however. The words destination and object can also have the same meaning as goal.

What is the old spanish proverb wit without discretion is a?

"Like a ship without a rudder."

What does por que le gusta el espanol mean in English?

¿Porqué le gusta español? = "why do you like Spanish" or "Why does he/she like Spanish" (without the accent mark, it could mean, because you like spanish or because he/she likes spanish.)

do you think Ambition is a good or bad thing?

Well some times people can have a good ambition like wanting to be a nurse they can also have bad ambitions like wanting to murder someone.

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This is copied in from a test with a provided exhibit. It cannot be answered without it.

When Bruce Lee was young what was his ambition?

To grow up to be like Chuck Norris, sadly, he only accomplished 0.000000001% of that ambition and died due to the overdose of awesomeness.

How do say without you i am nomore in spanish?

It would be something like sin tí no existo más

How do you say 'for' in Spanish?

It depends on the situation. It is either "por," "para," or "durante." If it is a reason like "I you for your money," it is por. If it is a purpose or destination like "We bought some medicine for the allergies," or "I am going for France," it is para. If it relates to time like "I went for a month," it is durante.