"Peace" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase la pace. The feminine singular definite article and noun model a difference between the two languages whereby English does not employ "the" every time that Italian uses its equivalent -- la, in this case. The pronunciation will be "la PA-tchey" in Italian.
La bocca in Italian is "the mouth" in English.
La bella in Italian means "the beautiful" in English.
La vita in Italian means "the life" in English.
La cucina in Italian means "the kitchen" in English.
La volpe in Italian means "the fox" in English.
La libertà in Italian means "liberty" in English.
La gamba in Italian means "the leg" in English.
La padrona in Italian means "the mistress" in English.
La chiesa in Italian means "the church" in English.
La means "the" so la rosa is "the rose" when translated from Catalan, Italian or Spanish to English.
"Brotherhood" in English is la fratellanza in Italian.
"Prairie" in English (la) prateria in Italian.