Grazie! Questa ricetta è deliziosa! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Thank you! This recipe is delicious!" The courteous term grazie also may be translated as "Thanks!" The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey KWEY-sta ree-TCHET-ta eh DEY-lee-TSYO-sa" in Italian.
Ricetta (in un) grembiule is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "recipe in an apron".Specifically, the feminine noun ricetta is "recipe". The preposition in means the same in English and Italian. The masculine singular indefinite article un, uno means "a, one". The masculine noun grembiuletranslates as "(cooking) apron".The pronunciation will be "ree-TCHEHT-tah (ee-noon) grehm-BYOO-ley" in Italian.
La migliore ricetta di mia moglie is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "my wife's best recipe." The feminine singular phrase translates literally as "the best recipe of my wife" in English. The pronunciation will be "la mee-LYO-rey ree-TCHET-ta dee MEE-a MO-lyey" in Pisan Italian.
When translated from English to Italian a raccoon is a procione
"About" in English is circa in Italian.
"Out" in English is fuori in Italian.
"Or" in English is o in Italian.
"Not italian" in English is non italiano in Italian.
"To have" in English means avere in Italian.
"How is he?" in English is Come sta? in Italian.
"And you?" in English is E tu? in Italian.