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Taliban jailer

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Q: What is Atiq's job From the book Swallows of Kabul?
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What was Baba's father's job?

Baba's father was a judge in Kabul, Afghanistan.

What book comes before job in the old testiment?

The Book of Esther comes before the Book of Job in the Old Testament.

In which chapter of the Bible is The book of Job?

The Book of Job is in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), after the Book of Esther and before the Book of Psalms. Job has 42 chapters.

Is job in the Old Testament or new testament?

The book of Job can be found in the Old Testament.

Why was the book of Job in the writings instead of the prophets?

The book of Job talks about the relationship between God and Job. It is not prophetic because job was not a prophet, the book is plainly the story of what happened to Job and his relationship with God.

What book before job in the old testament?

Old Testament: Esther is the book preceding Job. Tanach: Mishlei (Proverbs) is the book preceding Iyov (Job).

What is God distinctively called in the Book of Job in the Bible?

God is called The Almighty in the book of Job.

What Old Testament book is about the sufferings of one man?

The Book of Job tells of the trials of Job.

When was The Book Job created?

"The Book Job" is an episode from season 23 of the television show "The Simpsons." It first aired on November 20, 2011.

How does the book of Job persuade the reader?

The Book of Job is in the form of a four-way debate, in which God himself then steps in as the final arbiter.See also:More about Job

What is miles job in the book Tuck Everlasting?

Miles does not have a job

Who was the youngest of Job's 4 friends in the book of Job?
