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Q: What is El pulpo a la gallega?
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What is the population of La Gallega?

La Gallega's population is 85.

How do you say octopus in spanish?

The Spanish word is "pulpo."

When was El pulpo está crudo created?

El pulpo está crudo was created in 1990.

What are the ratings and certificates for El pulpo negro - 1985?

El pulpo negro - 1985 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:16

Como se reproducen mariposas?

como se rreproducen y se desarrollan la mariposa y el pulpo

What has the author Roberto de Pola written?

Roberto de Pola has written: 'El libro de la cocina gallega'

What are the release dates for El pulpo humano - 1934?

El pulpo humano - 1934 was released on: Mexico: 23 June 1934 (Mexico City) USA: 5 May 1935

What actors and actresses appeared in El pulpo humano - 1934?

The cast of El pulpo humano - 1934 includes: Ricardo Beltri Arturo Campoamor Ada Ciangherotti Margot Erbeya Francisco Jambrina Manuel Lamberri Elena San Martin

What nicknames did Irineo Leguisamo go by?

Irineo Leguisamo went by El Pulpo, Mono, and Legui.

Cual es el peso del pulpo?

entre 545 y 745 kg....:D

What did christiphor cloumbous call his big boat?

la Santa Clara, la Pinta, la Santa Maria/Gallega are his 3 ships

What is pulpo?

i saw a disturbing video of a girl pushing a pulpo out of her vagina. a pulpo is an octopus.