It depends on the context of the word "mate" you are using. * counterpart is Gegenstück * mate is Gehilfe * spouse is Gatte * wife is Frau * husband is Ehemann * lover is Geliebter * partner is Partner * sex partner is Geschlechtspartner * friend is Freund
My sister's husband is der Mann meiner Schwesterin German.
Who is your husband? is Wer ist dein Mann?in German.
it might be in some dialects, but it wouldnt ever be written. the actual word is "Ehemann", sometimes shortened "Mann", which can be pronounced somewhat similar to the word you must have heard.
Chre is not a German word
The German word for "Who" is "Wer".
The German word for their is "Ihre."
"mit" is the German word for "with".
The word FROM in German is von
The word for is in German - " ist "
The German word for he is er.
The German word for when is wenn.