It is probably a mispelling of hasta manana meaning "until tomorrow" or goodbye.
Hasta la vista is "until seeing" or see you later.
Manana Tskhovrebova's birth name is Manana Okseyevna Tskhovrebova.
Manana isn't a person. It's tomorrow in spanish.
Pedro Manana was born on September 20, 1972, in Portugal.
Manana Tskhovrebova died on June 25, 1993, in Moscow, Russia.
Talk to you manana. Manana being the Spanish word for (later)
Bin Manana Twin Towers was created in 2007.
Vuelva usted manana means "Return tomorrow."
"hast" is old English for the verb "to have". So "hast not" means "does not have".
la manana is Spanish for "the morning"the morning
¡Hasta Mañana! Espero verte Manana!
A que hora estudias manana = What time are you studying tomorrow? Soy jubilado. No estudio manana.
Manana is the Spanish word for "tomorrow". When used in an English conversation, it means sometime in the future. In the Filipino culture, a manana habit means to do a task later, and later, and later resulting in procrastination.