katie holmes anscestry is English, Irish and German
Father is German American Mother is English and German-Irish
Names are very rarely translated from language to another. This is normally only done in the case of historic personalities, such as kings, queens etc.The German equivalent of Katie is Käthe.
Katie Price has a number of different dog breeds including German Shepherds, French Bulldogs, and Chihuahuas.
Katie is a small sheep-like animal with the tail of a lion. She is Yak.The directors commentary tells u that
'Hello Katie' is in Dutch 'Hallo Katie' or 'Hoi Katie' or 'Hey Katie'
there may be many but the only footballer to ever "come out" is Justin Fashanu he player professional football for england
Katie Eisenberg goes by Katie.
Katie Hance goes by Katie.
Katie Elmore goes by Katie.