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Depending on context fat can be translates as:



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Q: What is Swiss German word for fat?
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What is the German word for Swiss?

Depending on context, Swiss can be translated as:schweizerischeidgenösischSchweizer (a Swiss man)Schweizerin (a Swiss woman)die Schweizer (the Swiss)

What is the Swiss word for snow?

There is actually no such language as "Swiss". Switzerland has 4 official languages: 1. German 2. French 3. Italian 4. Romansh

Word for please in Swiss German?

please = bitte

What does German word Stokely mean?

Stokely is not a German word. The closest German word is the Swiss-German Stöckli meaning outbuilding; dwelling for retired farmers.

What is the German word for fat?

Depending on context, the German word for fatis:AdjectivedickfettNounFett

Which German is spoken in Switzerland?

The Swiss speak Swiss German.

How do you say kiss in Swiss?

There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.

When was Swiss German University created?

Swiss German University was created in 2000.

What is the German word for kitten?

A "kitten" (a baby cat) can be translated as:KätzchenKätzleinKätzli (Swiss German)Katzerl (southern Germany, Austria)

Did Captain Eddie Rickenbacker speak German or Swiss-German?

His parents were German speaking Swiss immigrants.

What does the last name Switzer mean?

The last name Switzer is of German origin and means "Swiss person" or "someone from Switzerland." It is derived from the Middle High German word "Swiz" meaning Swiss.

What is the word 'friend' when translated from English to Swiss?

The German word for friend id Freund; all nouns are capitalized in German. The languages spoken in Switzerland are French, German, Italian, and Romansch.