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lekhayim (לחיים)

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Q: What is To Life Eternal in Hebrew?
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What is reborn in eternal life in Hebrew?

Chayei Olam

What is 'To life eternal or forever Thank you and blessings' in Hebrew?

To life eternal = לחיים (leh-khah-YEEM) Forever thank you = תודה רבה (toh-DAH rah-BAH) Blessings = ברכות (brah-KHOHT)

What does eternal light mean in hebrew?

eternal light = nehr tameed (נר תמיד)

How do you write eternal in Hebrew?

nits'khi (ניצחי)

What is eternal life written in latin?

Eternal life

What is a eternal life?

A eternal life is the life everlasting in the presene of god

Is there really eternal life or eternal death after this life?


What is the most important you have learned in life?

That there is eternal life or eternal death.

What are the rewards of eternal life?

Eternal boredom.

What is the first mention of eternal life in the bible?

in Genesis . you can have eternal Life by eating of the Tree of Life.

What does eternal love look like in Hebrew?

ahavah lanetsakh, אהבה לנצח

Who is the god of harvest and eternal life?

Anubis is the god of harvest and eternal life.