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Current GPA is a students Grade Point Average particular to a specific semester. A Cumulative Grade Point Average is a students overall GPA which includes all semesters at a particular institution.


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Q: What is a 'Current GPA'?
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I am a current member and you must have min. 3.0 to get inducted in BKX

What is the minimum GPA required for deans list at Hampton University?

The current GPA to get into HamptonU is a 3.0 although your other credentials (essay, grades, etc.) can play a role in the admissions process.

What is a 78 average GPA?

No. A 79 average is 2.4 GPA. Heres a list of all the Grade point averages. 0%-59% => 0 GPA 60% => 0.7 GPA 61% => 0.8 GPA 62% => 0.8 GPA 63% => 0.9 GPA 64% => 1.0 GPA 65% => 1.0 GPA 66% => 1.1 GPA 67% => 1.2 GPA 68% => 1.3 GPA 69% => 1.4 GPA 70% => 1.5 GPA 71% => 1.6 GPA 72% => 1.7 GPA 73% => 1.8 GPA 74% => 1.9 GPA 75% => 2.0 GPA 76% => 2.1 GPA 77% => 2.2 GPA 78% => 2.3 GPA 79% => 2.4 GPA 80% => 2.5 GPA 81% => 2.7 GPA 82% => 2.8 GPA 83% => 2.9 GPA 84% => 3.0 GPA 85% => 3.0 GPA 86% => 3.1 GPA 87% => 3.2 GPA 88% => 3.3 GPA 89% => 3.4 GPA 90% => 3.5 GPA 91% => 3.5 GPA 92% => 3.6 GPA 93% => 3.7 GPA 94% => 3.8 GPA 95% => 3.9 GPA 96% => 3.9 GPA 97% => 4.0 GPA 98% => 4.0 GPA 99% => 4.0 GPA 100% => 4.0 GPA

What 3.17 GPA on a 4.0 GPA scale?

A 3.17 gpa

What is the GPA of the university of Michigan football team?

No official figure has been released, but the current 2009 season's team has the highest collective GPA for a Michigan Football team in the past 20 years, according to Athletic Director Bill Martin.

Is a 3.0 GPA considered a bad GPA?

No. A 3.0 GPA is a B average. So it is a good GPA

Should i transfer high schools and move in with a different family to get away from drugs be clean and be a better student if i can still smoke weed at my current high school and maintain a 4.0 GPA?

Yes, you should do what ever it takes to get away from drugs and be clean. Even if you are getting a 4.0 GPA at your current high school, the use of drugs and being around people who do drugs will sooner or later cause problems for you. If you can get a 4.0 GPA at your current high school, you can accomplish that amazing feat at another high school. Get a fresh start! You will be happier for the rest of your life.

Harvard GPA you would need?

this is the GPA you need to get a 2.0 GPA

What is a Numeric GPA 82.643 in standard GPA?

I have a 9th grade daughter and gpa is 82.57142 what is that

Is it possible to get a 3.067 GPA from 16 credit hours to a 3.7?

It depends on the number of credits already accumulated. They less credits already completed the easier it is to raise the GPA. For example, if you have completed 80 credits and your GPA is 3.067, it would be take more than 16 credits to make that much of a difference, and that being even if you received an A in every course. Remember, to raise your current GPA, you will have to achieve no less that a B+ in every course and that will not bring it to even a 3.5 GPA. Some students will repeat courses they have received a D or C in which also makes a difference. Still, a GPA of 3.0 or higher is good.

What is the GPA to be lawyer?

you would have a 4.0 as the gpa

What is Miley Cyrus GPA?

her GPA is 1.00