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Traditional clothing

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Q: What is a German tracht?
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When was Doug Tracht born?

Doug Tracht was born on 1950-08-01.

What is tradaitionol clothing that Germans called?

The generic term for "traditional" German clothing is Tracht, of which the most famous are probably the Bavarian Dirndl (worn by women) and Lederhosen (worn by men).

What is the birth name of The Greaseman?

The Greaseman's birth name is Doug Tracht.

What is the term grease man?

Doug "The Grease man" Tracht (born August 1, 1950) is a radio, television and movie personality. Tracht is best known for his morning show on WWDC-FM in Washington, D.C. during the 1980s

Translate into yiddish-Man plans and God laughs?

Mentsch tracht, Gott lacht.

What is the national dress of Germany called?

The traditional dress in Germany is called "Tracht." There are different variations of Tracht based on the region, such as Lederhosen for men in Bavaria and Dirndl for women in southern Germany. These outfits are often worn during festivals and cultural events.

What is traditional German clothing called?

Young German boys used to wear lederhosen and many tourists consider these a traditional German costume. For the ladies, the dirndl top is a reminder of a visit to Germany. A dirndl top has a closefitting bodice with an apron in a different color.

What has the author Eva Larrass written?

Eva Larrass has written: 'Zeit und Kleid' -- subject(s): Clothing and dress, History, Miscellanea 'Mode-Tracht-Kostum'

What has the author Stefan Bittner written?

Stefan Bittner has written: 'Tracht und Bewaffnung des persischen Heeres zur Zeit der Achaimeniden' -- subject(s): Ancient Armor, Ancient Weapons, History, Military uniforms

What actors and actresses appeared in IXE-13 - 1972?

The cast of IXE-13 - 1972 includes: Diane Arcand Little Brutus as Lutteur Louisette Dussault as Chauffeure de taxi Luce Guilbeault as Palma Marc Laurendeau as Von Tracht Sky Low Low as Lutteur

How do you pronounce German in German?

The word "German" in German is pronounced as "deutsch."

How do you spell German- like German or Germain?

If it is a German like from Germany, then it is GERMAN. If it is German like a Germain Shepherd, then it is GERMAIN