A descriptive narrative is a story that vividly appeals to the reader's senses using sensory images. These writings have a lot of descriptive language describing people, events and objects in strong detail to paint a picture for the reader.
is a paragraph that has much more descriptive words sound ect...
The mafia don, Charles Luciano collapsed onto the leather seat, an obvious sign that he was becoming very exhausted at his job, and life. Charles dislimbered a suppressed handgun from within his deep red, smokers jacket and he placed it onto the head of himself. Charles closed his eyes and his life flashed before him, could he do it? Without further ado Charles pulled the trigger and let rip a bullet with no sound at all, the only sound that was heard was the one of Charles' brains being plastered on the Italian made desk. He was dead.
Long descriptive sentences are sentences that are stretched out and are really vibrant like instead of saying, " The tree had green leaves, " You can say, " The crooked narrow tree with bumpy, brown bark had crispy teal green leaves the color of grass in a healthy meadow. "
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Difference between Narrative Essay And Description
Because it is a nonfiction descriptive story that tells of true events that could or did happen each day, in a narrative or descriptive way
Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive.
The types of journalism are narrative, expository, and descriptive.
Exposition,Definition,Classification,description,Process Analysis,Persuasion,Expository,Narrative,Perssuasive.
is a short descriptive narrative concerning the grraph's data.
Descriptive , narrative, argumentative, cause/effect
The four types of discourse in English are descriptive (providing details), narrative (telling a story), expository (explaining or informing), and argumentative (presenting a stance or viewpoint).